
Granville fight ends in 9 handcuffed and 1 stabbed

This morning at around 4:30 am an altercation ensued on Granville ST across from Burger King that within a matter of what seemed like seconds left one male on the ground with two stab wounds an a dislocated shoulder and 9 other in handcuffs. We were no more then 10 ft away from the scuffle as the participants began to multiply and the scene went from a fair fight to  a a much more dangerous situation 

As the altercation heated up like gasoline and a book of matches it was incredibly difficult to make out who was who or what was being shouted.
Knocking over nearby guard rails and throwing each other into the metal chairs that line Granville ST the air became eerily silent while these men beat each other down. The silence was broken when we one of the men looked in our direction and said "Hey this guy has a knife."  A very good friend of ours came up to our side and told us to take shelter and we immediately went into the BK restaurant. 

The Police were on the scene just a few moments later and we can't be sure of the exact amount of Police it took to break these men away from each but we did count 10 police cruisers, 1 paddy wagon and 2 ambulances on scene.  As one can imagine it took a short amount of time for a crowd of onlookers to surround the chaos acting like a studio audience . 

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"Who saw it?"

"I can't believe I missed it" 

These were just a few of the remarks we overheard that really left us questioning what disadvantage anyone could possibly see in having NOT observed an incredibly sad and violent turn of events. We here at thebumpingbass would like to formally state that we do not support or tolerate violence of any kind. We do not endorse or promote situations where lives are put in jeopardy and anyone's blood gets drawn. We highly encourage everyone to take a few moments and put themselves on the otherwise of the police tape. Ask yourself if you or brother or best friend were had been stabbed twice in the street if you would appreciate a bunch of people  popping their corn hoping to catch the end of it.

Go home.

Watch Netflix.

Be grateful you and your loved ones are safe this morning because not everyone was a fortunate as us.