


Originally hailing from Regina DJ TRANST3R has come up through the club scene alongside her fellow resident DJs at Club 816 Bassment and has been an active DJ in the Vancouver scene for almost 2 years. Getting her start as Sunday Night’s opening DJ at Club 816, a place that she had been dancing at for years suddenly became something more. Club 816 is like
her home away from home now having forged friendships for a lifetime, bringing her family every week and finding herself and her place as a Hard Euro DJ
“I love and enjoy music. From being a dancer to DJ I started hearing the music differently but just as epic.”
We had to wonder though how it felt to when she spun her first show elsewhere having been inspired at Club 816
“It was at a Vietnamese Concert and it was nerve racking. Your heart races while there are hundreds of people staring at, you watching you. Your palms get sweaty and all you can think about is your DJ mentor who got you to this point. Their name is on the line so you don't want to disappoint them. But as you start playing you forget all that and the music just takes you away. It's pretty awesome after that.”
DJ TRANST3R often opens up for Club 816 when they do long weekend special events and we can say that those are always our personal favorite nights to be their because we truly feel she doesn’t even realize how talented she is a DJ. Modesty is always a good colour on any artist though and when asked who would be her DJ of choice to open for she had this to say
“It would be an honor to spin alongside any DJ out there international or local talent. They all have more experience than I do. I have so much to learn still.”
Don’t let her good looks and sick beats fool you though, this girl is no club rat having a MASTERS degree in accounting and working full time as a financial advisor for ACURA, DJ TRANST3R truly is a jack of all trades.
Probably the best part of our interview with DJ TRANST3R was when we asked her advice for aspiring DJs. Her answer really hit home for us because it is the best advice for everyone not just DJs.
“Everyone has their own style of music and so everyone needs to do what they feel they do best. Push yourself to your own limit. Don't ever think anyone too good for you. Just push yourself to get to where they are.”
Check out DJ TRANST3R on SoundCloud or come down any Sunday night to Club 816 to see her spin live!

“Don't ever think anyone too good for you. Just push yourself to get to where they are.” We are going to remind ourselves of that every morning Sarah thank you!