
#FESTIVALFRIDAYS - Top 10 Camping Essentials

1. A Family sized tent: if you're a novice to the camping way of life, do not be fooled by the marketing of a tent when picking size. Sure that bag may say state that it is a sleeps two however what the fine print fails to inform buyers is that the two campers will be side by side like packaged hot dogs with literally 6 inches of room on either side of to store any of their belongings. These small compact tents might be all the average camping die hard needs but let's be honest here people, camping out at Cultus lake with a couple buddies isn't the same thing as camping at a rave with thousands of other people. Get the biggest tent you can. We have personally have found that when planning a festival camp out for two people no less then a six person tent is adequate.

2. An air mattress fit for a queen and we aren't just talking the size. They are a bit pricey in the way of air mattresses but are well worth the splurge. Auto-inflating and leaving your body elevated two feet off the unforgivable and mean-spirited rocky earth,
these mattresses will have you waking up each day feeling as well rested as if you were at home. The only disadvantage of these beauties is they are anything but compact and truly are not an option for anyone planning on making their way to the festival on foot.

3. Battery powered LED string lights. There is nothing worse then having to return to your campsite in the darkness of night to retrieve some random thing; costume changes, water, food, drugs, whatever it is you're looking for is made 500% easier with these cheap and eye catching additions to your tent and campsite. Coming in a variety of colours, the stylish and practical festival fiend can light up their entire tent and surrounding campsite more efficiently then all the handheld flashlights and glow sticks money can buy.

4. Onesies. It can get fucking cold out there at night at some of these festivals and therefore even you're the type of person who wouldn't be caught dead in a onesie on our off the festival field you will thank yourself so hard when you decide to retire to your huge spacious, well lit tent with your fluffy air mattress and have a warm one piece PJ suit to jump into. Only be warned. You will wake up dying of sweat come day light.

5. Battery powered cooling fan. As cold as these festivals get at night is equally balanced out by the afternoons scorching temperatures that can leave you sweating more then just your balls off. What more could you ask for though then a tent that has conditioned air to the best of your ability ? These light weight and compact fans come cheap and often double as a lantern! Every tried and true camping crusader knows that multi-functional campsite accessories are always a WIN. Go to sleep toasty in your onesie, wake up sweating balls but knowing that the sweet relieve of air flow is all but within reach.

6. Camel packs. Staying hydrated is the number one most important rule when raving through the forest, I mean lets be realistic people it's the number one most important rule even when not raving through the forest. Camel packs allow the avoidance of standing in tedious lines frequently filling up your water bottle or even the worse wallet rape when buying bottle after bottle at $4 a pop. Although not always the most fashion forward accessories, Camel packs allow festival goers to carry several litres of water on their person at all times with a convenient "bite and suck" straw tapered so it sits perfectly perpendicular with your mouth. AHHH. THIRST QUENCHED.

7. ZAP STRAPS. Did you neglect to earn your knot-tying badges in scouts ? NEVER FEAR cause with zap straps in your back pack you are prepared with the perfect all-purpose plastic push and pull ties that safely secure anything without the needless nuisance of knot tying. Whether it be your string lights, cooling fan, outdoor tarps or board for playing darts, zap straps are an easily looked over camping accessory that are sure be your campsites staple. That was easy.

8. Tent locks. It's easy to get swept up in festival love and spiritual energy but don't let your guard down because if you do you might fall victim to the villains of the forest and have your gorgeous well equipped campsite looted for valuables. Yes, it happens,  it's a sad, sad festival fact and one that reminds us all that the old rule "better safe then sorry" always is the smarter way to play. Enter in: a tent lock, any lock will do, simple lock your zippers together to keep your most important things safely out of thieves reach

9. BATTERIES !!! I mean what the fuck did you go to all the trouble of getting the battery powered camping gear if you end up forgetting the most important part of the whole process. Bring fuck tons, if never hurts to have extras and lord is our witness you will save someone's festival by packing some extra charge.